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Blickfeld - Industry-first smart 3D LiDAR sensor

Posted by Dummy on Sep 11, 2024 7:46:16 AM

Blickfeld is a German tech company specialising in cutting-edge LiDAR solutions. Their products are used in various industries, including security, industrial automation, and crowd analytics, where precise and reliable data collection is crucial. 

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Topics: case-study

Module package for Broadcom 3D-TOF sensors

Posted by Dummy on Sep 10, 2024 9:37:19 AM

Broadcom Inc. is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software, and security solutions.

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Topics: case-study

Vibrosonic - a unique hearing solution

Posted by Dummy on Jun 27, 2024 8:38:58 AM

Explore how ESCATEC are helping Vibrosonic scale production of its unique ‘hearing contact lens’ design, to reach new markets and meet robust medical device regulation.

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Topics: case-study

Optimising life-saving medical equipment for Carl Reiner GmBH

Posted by Dummy on May 7, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Carl Reiner GmBH has been at the forefront of medical equipment development since its founding in 1912. As a leading provider on a global scale, they needed a solution to optimise mechanical ventilation during throat surgery, developed on a large scale, whilst meeting the necessary regulatory standards for medical equipment, allowing full capability for surgeons and unwavering safety for patients.

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Topics: case-study

Reinventing cold chain logistics for Pfizer

Posted by Dummy on Mar 15, 2024 3:09:25 PM

In 2021 the world was in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pfizer/BioNTech had produced the world’s first vaccine - but it needed to be stored and transported at ultra-low temperatures to remain effective. With such prescriptive storage requirements, real-time temperature monitoring in transit would be paramount.

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Topics: case-study