What are your strategies for managing millennials?

Written by Jessica Plank | 03 Mar, 2017

I recently read this interesting article from Talentspa. Unfortunately, millennials have a reputation for being impatient, self-absorbed, entitled, lazy, easily distracted and rebellious. A PwC report has revealed that millennials will comprise 50% of the global workforce in just three more years. A scary thought for some, perhaps?

This linked my thinking to the skills gap currently being experienced within the manufacturing sector. We are being encouraged by way of the Apprenticeship Levy to take on more apprentices and continue to 'grow our own' talent which will swiftly increase the number of millennials into our industry.

Staying in a job for life rarely exists these days but it's only natural that we want to encourage this talent to stay with us long enough to help the business grow and develop. Which means thinking differently about how we manage and nurture these individuals. We really need to understand what makes them tick, motivated and engaged with a business.

What strategy do you have in place, or are you working towards, to make sure you are aligned with the attitudes and expectations of this generation that will very soon be the biggest proportion of your workforce?

“Though their traits might be different from those of previous generations, Millennials look for purpose, a proper work-life balance and crave feedback. Being labelled as the most demanding and highly career driven generation. So, how do we manage them?"