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    16 Mar, 2023 / BY Jessica Plank

    Wellness in the workplace: how EMS providers can lead the way

    ESCATEC strives to be a 'people first' organisation. When employees are fit and healthy, there is a great atmosphere in the workplace, people can strive to fulfil their goals, and businesses grow. However, people are increasingly becoming sicker as a result of unhealthy lifestyles. They are neglecting their diets, living sedentary lifestyles, and taking ever more medication. 

    As people spend such a large percentage of their time at work, employers should be spearheading solutions to tackle these problems. However, there are many ways in which EMS providers (electronics manufacturing services) can try to make the workplace a better place for their employees. 

    Why is wellness in the workplace important?

    Wellness in the workplace is a critical factor for any company, as it has a significant impact on employee productivity and morale. Well-being initiatives can create an environment that encourages employees to take care of their physical and mental health, leading to improved job performance, greater engagement, and higher job satisfaction. 

    Through well-designed wellness programmes, EMS providers can ensure that workers can perform at their best while also feeling supported by their employers. With suitable investments in wellness initiatives, organisations can create an environment where employees feel valued and motivated to succeed.

    Here are several important initiatives that can contribute positively to wellness in the workplace.

    Access to mental health training and support

    Access to mental health training and support in the workplace is an essential factor for any organisation. Mental health issues can significantly impact job performance, engagement, and satisfaction with work. Providing employees with resources to help them manage their mental health can lead to greater productivity, improved morale, and higher levels of job satisfaction. 

    EMS providers that invest in the tools and training to enable their staff to access mental health services show they value their workers' well-being and ensure they can perform at their best without sacrificing their mental or physical health. 

    Accessing these types of resources can be especially beneficial for those who may not otherwise have access due to financial constraints or other barriers outside of work. Investing in comprehensive mental health initiatives within the workplace is essential for creating a healthy environment where everyone feels supported and empowered.

    Yoga classes

    Yoga helps to increase strength and flexibility in the body while teaching individuals how to focus on the present moment and relax their minds. These benefits can help reduce stress levels, improve morale among workers, and foster greater engagement with work tasks.

    EMS providers could look to offer free lunchtime workplace yoga classes to any interested employee as there are benefits for both employees and employers.

    For employees, regular yoga practice has been proven to improve focus and concentration and increase energy levels throughout the day. Additionally, yoga helps increase flexibility and mobility, which can help relieve any aches or pains caused by sitting or standing for long periods. 

    For employers, yoga classes are an investment into employee well-being which can lead to improved job performance, satisfaction with work-life balance, and ultimately higher profits for the company overall.

    Massage sessions

    Similar to yoga, neck and shoulder massages in the workplace can help employees by reducing stress levels and discouraging work-related fatigue, allowing employees to stay productive and focused throughout their shifts. 

    Massages can also help improve circulation and reduce pain caused by sitting or standing for long periods, enabling workers to carry out tasks without discomfort. Additionally, massages encourage a feeling of relaxation, which helps boost morale, leading to higher job satisfaction and a healthier overall working environment. 

    Promoting physical health by encouraging sport 

    Physical exercise and sports are essential components of any workplace wellness programme, and both employees and employers can feel their benefits. 

    Regular physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, and increase energy levels throughout the day. For employers, investing in physical activity initiatives such as providing gym memberships or organising team sports activities can improve workers' job performance thanks to increased focus and alertness. 

    Additionally, encouraging physical exercise within the workplace can help foster a sense of camaraderie amongst staff members, leading to better communication between colleagues and higher morale. Therefore, investing in physical activity initiatives is an investment in employee well-being that ultimately pays off for companies in terms of greater productivity and profits.

    EMS providers could look to offer employees a monthly discounted gym membership for example. By negotiating a corporate deal with the closest gym, they could pass on any potential savings to make membership more affordable.

    Competitive team-building events

    Competitive, physical team-building events are an excellent way for employees to collaborate whilst challenging themselves physically. 

    By facing team challenges that require problem-solving skills, communication, and teamwork, employees can learn how to work together to reach a common goal. Additionally, these challenges can help build morale and create a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

    One person at the company could be appointed to organise participation in the events, which is likely to happen mainly on weekends. However, the company could cover the entry costs of anyone wanting to participate. 

    Cooking classes and advice on nutrition

    Providing cooking classes and nutrition advice is essential to any comprehensive workplace wellness programme. 

    Healthy meals are paramount for maintaining physical and mental health, and access to proper nutrition can help boost employee performance, engagement, and job satisfaction. Providing cooking classes allows employees to gain the knowledge they need to prepare nutritious meals that are affordable and taste good. 

    Additionally, providing nutritional advice helps workers make informed decisions about what foods will best support their overall well-being. Cooking classes and nutritional guidance is an investment into employee health that can ultimately lead to greater productivity for the company as well as improved morale amongst staff members.

    EMS providers should recognise that employees often lack time to cook nutritious meals, so, they could offer cooking classes for full-time employees to ensure they have balanced nutrition. 

    Work smarter, not harder

    Employees are under serious pressure at work, and there is never enough time in the day. Therefore, workplace culture needs to promote working smarter rather than harder to maximise productivity and reduce workplace stress. 

    Working smarter involves setting realistic goals and breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable ones that are easier to accomplish. This can help employees focus on the essential tasks and prioritise whatever has the greatest return. 

    Taking regular breaks throughout the day is a critical component of working smarter. 'Active breaks' in which people prioritise doing something physical and getting the blood pumping around their bodies is a great way to work smarter.  

    The goal: a continuous improvement approach

    A continuous improvement approach in the workplace is a positive way to ensure that employees can always get the best out of themselves. By introducing a culture of ongoing improvement, EMS providers can encourage their staff to view every task as an opportunity for growth and development. 

    This mindset encourages creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration among colleagues, leading to more innovative solutions and higher job satisfaction. Additionally, focusing on continual improvement helps create an environment where everyone feels like they have a stake in their company's success. An introduction to outsourcing your electronics manufacturing

    Written by Jessica Plank

    Based in Switzerland, Jessica holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and has day-to-day responsibility for strategic marketing tactics including blog management, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, and European event management. Jessica’s dedication to maintaining a strong online presence has significantly contributed to the success of ESCATEC's marketing initiatives since she joined the team in 2021.