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Your 10 point guide to mechatronics Design for Manufacture (DfM)

In previous blogs we discussed the value of involving your electronics ...

8 steps of a sustainable new product development process

What are the steps you should have in place for a repeatable New Product ...

How to reduce manufacturing costs - with the help of your outsourcing partner

When you first partnered with your Electronics Manufacturing Service (EMS) ...

Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VAVE) explained for OEMs

Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VAVE) is more than a crude cost-cutting ...

What does the 5S methodology really mean?

"5S relates to workplace organisation and forms a solid foundation upon which ...

What are the 6 steps of the Value Engineering Process for OEMs?

If you’re adopting a Value Engineering strategy, you’re going to need to follow ...

What is meant by the terms OEM, EMS, CEM, ODM, CMO and why does it matter?

The terms, OEM vs EMS provider, CEM, ODM and CMO are applied to different kinds ...

How to manage IP security challenges in the manufacturing industry

In a world of increasing cyber-risk are you confident your EMS partner has all ...

What is Design for X (DfX) in manufacturing?

Everyone loves a surprise. That unexpected bonus, that bottle of wine from your ...

Precision farming technology; a new growth sector for OEMs

Precision farming technology is helping save water, control our use of ...

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