06 Aug, 2024 / BY Neil Sharp

Exploring precision irrigation systems: From sensors to sustainability

Exploring precision irrigation systems: From sensors to sustainability

Global agriculture is currently facing a daunting task: feeding a rapidly growing population while contending with climate change, land scarcity and labour shortages.

This is why precision irrigation systems are proving to be invaluable for refining how we nurture our crops. These smart systems optimise water usage on farms, leading to greater productivity and a more sustainable agricultural future. By harnessing the power of data and automation, precision irrigation and other smart agtech systems are not just conserving our precious water resources – they’re also redefining the very nature of farming in the 21st century.

This blog looks at the precision irrigation market and its drivers, before briefly showcasing some of the companies that one day might be bringing these systems to a farm supplying your food.

What is precision irrigation?

Precision irrigation systems are advanced agricultural technologies that optimise water usage in crop production. These systems use a combination of sensors, data analytics and automated controls to deliver water precisely when and where crops need it. In effect, the aim is to water the roots, not the soil.

By monitoring soil moisture, weather conditions and plant health in real-time, precision irrigation allows farmers to apply water with greater accuracy and efficiency. This targeted approach not only conserves water resources but also improves crop yields, reduces energy consumption, and minimises the risk of over- or under-watering.

drip irrigation system in raised bed

This sort of evolution is nothing new, though. Irrigation practices have continuously evolved ever since the dawn of agriculture. Ancient civilisations developed basic irrigation methods by channeling water from rivers to fields. The Middle Ages saw the introduction of water-lifting devices like the Persian wheel, which expanded irrigation capabilities.

Modern times brought mechanised systems, such as centre-pivot irrigation. And coming right up to date, today’s precision agriculture uses sophisticated sensor-led technology combined with robotics, GPS, micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS), AI and data analytics.

Over time, each iteration of traditional irrigation methods has looked to improve the precision of delivery and minimise waste. Nowadays, surface irrigation has been replaced with targeted channeling of water resources to where it is needed most. In doing so, smart farming practices contribute to more sustainable and productive agricultural operations.

Why is it important?

Precision irrigation systems are crucial for addressing some of the complex challenges facing modern agriculture:

Growing population

With an expanding global population demanding more food, farmers must increase production. According to the UN, the world’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, requiring a 60% increase in food production compared to 2005/2007 levels. The growing population also means more demand for water, which puts further pressure on this already stretched resource.


Changing climate and environmental sustainability

By optimising water use and improving crop yields, precision irrigation helps mitigate the impacts of climate change, which are causing more frequent droughts and unpredictable weather patterns. These changes are leading to shifts in agriculture across the world, as once-fertile areas are now becoming either barren or flooded. Precision irrigation systems, along with other agtech, allow the efficient cultivation of crops in less-than-ideal climates and soil conditions, supporting food security efforts. There is also a need for farming to be environmentally sustainable, such as by not polluting nearby watercourses with run-off containing nutrient-rich fertilisers.


Shortage in agricultural labour

There has long been a shortage of labour in farming. This is for a variety of reasons, such as shifting migration patterns, relatively poor pay and harsh working conditions, and increasing urbanisation.


Scarcity of agricultural land

The need to expand food production comes at the same time as there is increasing pressure on the amount of available agricultural land, largely due to increasing urbanisation. As a result of this, as well as the growth in population, the global cropland area has decreased from about 0.45 hectare per capita in 1961 to 0.21 hectare per capita in 2016.

Put simply, there is now an urgent need for farmers to produce more crops while using less water (and other inputs, such as fertilisers and pesticides), land and labour – in other words, to do more with less.

How big is the market?

The market for precision (or ‘smart’) irrigation management has seen substantial growth, reflecting the increasing demand for water-efficient agricultural solutions. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the smart irrigation market was valued at $1.8 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $3.0 billion by 2029, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2%.

This growth is primarily driven by government support for water conservation. The adoption of these irrigation systems is particularly strong in regions facing water stress and in countries with advanced agricultural practices, indicating a robust and expanding market.

A step-by-step guide to outsourcing your agtech production

What sort of technology is used?

Precision irrigation systems come in many shapes and sizes. But the main elements are rain sensors, weather-based controllers and water meters, used alongside machine-learning algorithms and data analytics. The weather-tracking and AI technologies provide accurate weather forecasting at a local scale, which is then combined with other agtech, such as soil moisture sensors, to calculate the precise amount of irrigation water that is needed for optimal plant growth.

In time, it’s expected that we’ll also see increasing use of irrigation drones to quickly and efficiently water crops.

agriculture drone flying and spraying water

Five of the leading companies in precision irrigation systems are described below. They offer a range of products, from drip irrigation systems to sophisticated IoT-enabled control platforms, catering to diverse agricultural needs worldwide.

1. Netafim: pioneering drip irrigation technology, sprinklers and micro-sprinklers, managed via a digital farming network.

2. Lindsay Corporationknown for its Zimmatic pivot irrigation systems and FieldNET remote management platform.

3. Valley Irrigation: offers centre pivot, linear and corner equipment – used alongside smart connectivity – to conserve water on farms of all sizes.


4. Jain Irrigation Systems: provides a range of micro-irrigation products and integrated irrigation solutions

5. Rivulis: provides innovative micro, drip and sub-surface drip irrigation and sprinkler solutions for various agricultural applications.

Strategic partnerships are key

The future of precision irrigation systems lies in deeper integration of monitoring technologies with irrigation machinery. While current systems offer significant improvements in water efficient farming and crop yields, future advances will see further co-ordination between advanced sensors, data analytics platforms and irrigation equipment.

This level of integration requires strategic partnerships between technology companies specialising in sensors and data analysis, and established agricultural machinery manufacturers. Such collaborations can accelerate the development of fully automated, responsive irrigation systems that dynamically adapt to crop needs and environmental conditions.

By combining expertise in both digital technology and agricultural engineering, these partnerships have the potential to streamline irrigation practices, further enhancing water conservation and agricultural productivity to meet the growing global food demand.

Written by Neil Sharp

Neil has over 25 years’ experience in Electronics Manufacturing Services and Component Distribution. During his career, Neil has held a range of leadership positions in sales, marketing, and customer service. Neil is currently part of the ESCATEC Senior Management Team and is responsible for setting and delivering the overall Group Marketing strategy. Neil heads up the marketing department and is responsible for both the strategy and the implementation of innovative marketing campaigns designed to deliver high quality content to those seeking outsourcing solutions.