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    05 Feb, 2021 / BY Neil Sharp

    Another very happy customer at Escatec Switzerland

    We value all our customers regardless of order or contract value and one of our core values is to always strive to satisfy, if not, exceed their expectations.

    As CEO Patrick Macdonald likes to remind the team in ESCATEC: every single customer must know they can have immediate access to the CEO and any other senior management at any time on any matter. It does put an extra bounce in everyone’s step when a customer takes up the invitation.

    ESCATEC Switzerland has a recent example of how we go the extra mile to do our very best for our customers.

    A UK-based company – a global leader in delivering automation solutions, with a customer base that would be the envy of any Fortune 500 company – approached ESCATEC Switzerland around mid-2020 for an initial prototype of an advanced embedded product. The customer wanted to bring the new product to the market quickly.

    ESCATEC Switzerland was able to master the challenging Dfx (Design for Excellence) task that encompassed design, costing, assembly, and testing, and delivered exceeding the customer’s expectations. They then had to rapidly get ready for mass production.

    The product is essentially a powerful personal motion system that helps businesses to understand, analyse and design optimal workplace practices. It can be customised to suit complex building layouts and has many features that users can use to best suit their individual circumstances.

    Working closely with ESCATEC’s Procurement Team based at the Group’s HQ in Penang and with the customer, ESCATEC Switzerland successfully conceptualised and implemented a robust and cost-efficient supply chain. Materials were sourced globally to guarantee competitive pricing and reliable supply.  Within a matter of weeks, ESCATEC Switzerland successfully produced and delivered 60,000 units of the new product to the customer.

    The project – from Dfx to delivery of the 60,000 units – took about 5 months. This was even more notable considering that very strict Health & Safety SOPs (due to COVID-19) were in place at ESCATEC Switzerland. The result was a very happy customer and the relationship with ESCATEC continues to this day.

    We would be pleased for a chance to also exceed your expectations. Please give us a call or send an email to if we potentially can be of service.

    Written by Neil Sharp

    Neil has over 25 years’ experience in Electronics Manufacturing Services and Component Distribution. During his career, Neil has held a range of leadership positions in sales, marketing, and customer service. Neil is currently part of the ESCATEC Senior Management Team and is responsible for setting and delivering the overall Group Marketing strategy. Neil heads up the marketing department and is responsible for both the strategy and the implementation of innovative marketing campaigns designed to deliver high quality content to those seeking outsourcing solutions. You can find Neil on LinkedIn.